em-trak | Dealers
Here, you’ll find all the essential marketing assets you need to promote and support the em-trak range of AIS products.
From brochures and product images to technical guides and promotional materials, everything is just a click away to make your sales journey smoother.
If you have specific marketing needs or require tailored content, please complete the bespoke request form at the bottom of this page.
We're here to help you succeed!
em-trak Dealers Downloads
em-trak Full Product Range - guide and pricelist
X100 VHF|DSC|AIS documentation
X100 Imagery
em-trak AIS Class B Technical Datasheets
em-trak Class B imagery
em-trak AIS Class A A200 Technical Datasheet
em-trak AIS Class A A200 Imagery
em-trak logo and Guidelines
em-trak Application Guides
Which AIS is right for my vessel?
If you're not sure which AIS is right for you, answer a series of questions about your preferences in our AIS Selector Quiz and we will make a product recommendation
Inland Waterway
Jet ski
Motor Cruiser
Offshore Sailing
SOLAS Vessels
Sport Fishing
Commercial Fishing over 15M
Commercial Fishing under 15M
Day Sailing